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SKU vipagran 30gr

Vipangran the complete feed in soft granules that sink slowly, is the complete feed composed of soft granules delicately produced for all the fish that feed in the central area of ​​the aquarium. The carefully selected ingredients with prebiotic action promote the good health and vitality of the fish. The granular that sinks slowly, with excellent digestibility, keeps its shape very compact and does not pollute the water. Thanks to the soft and elastic structure of its particles, this balanced and tasty food is also suitable for fish with a very small mouth and a narrow throat. How to use: administer once or twice a day, in quantities to be eaten in short time. Composition: corn starch, wheat gluten, fish meal, whole egg powder, calcium caseinate, wheat flour, fish oil (49% Omega fatty acids), brewer's yeast, spirulina algae, wheat moons , aromatic herbs, alpha-alpha, nettle, parsley, gammarus, seaweed, peppers, mannano-oligosaccharides (0.4%), spinach, carrots, hematococcus alga, mollusc Perna canaliculus, garlic.

Tag   #vipagran  #mangimepesci  #seramangime